Tips on how to save money abound nowadays, but sometimes budgeting tips don’t consider unexpected expenses like HVAC breakdowns, plumbing or electrical emergencies, and subsequent repairs. One of the ways homeowners can be proactive, be ready for breakdowns and avoid potentially costly surprise expenses is to enroll in a whole-home protection plan.
Maintenance: Stay Ahead of Breakdowns
If you own a home in Southwestern Ontario, you are responsible for your HVAC maintenance, plumbing maintenance, and electrical maintenance, all of which cost money. However, while you may be tempted to ignore such annual check-ups in order to save money, doing so can result in nullifying your warranty on your equipment. If this happens and something goes wrong with your furnace, air conditioner, etc., you will have to pay for the repairs, including parts and labour.
On the other hand, if you invest in regular HVAC maintenance, not only will you ensure the validity of your warranty, you will:
Keep your HVAC appliances running efficiently in top condition
Save on your energy bills
Limit the risk of inconvenient and expensive repairs
Avoid the domino effect of one emergency leading to another. For example, if your furnace quits in the deep cold of winter, your pipes could freeze and burst, thereby creating a larger mess and a more expensive repair and restoration
Whole Home Protection Plan
When you invest in a whole home protection plan with Aire One KW, the plan includes an annual 21-point inspection for maintenance, a safety check for gas and carbon monoxide, and can also save you from paying dispatch and diagnostic fees as well. Depending on your home protection plan, you may also be covered for plumbing and electrical dispatch fees, and a preset amount for parts and labour should regular or emergency repairs be required.
Unlike emergencies, home protection plan payments are regular and easy to budget for. They also allow you to establish a rapport with your HVAC, plumbing, and electrical company. By consistently working with a trusted company like Aire One KW, our technicians will know your systems’ history, which repairs are essential, and which can wait. Furthermore, in an emergency, you know who to call, and know that you will benefit from our quality products and systems expertise.
Plumbing & Electrical Maintenance
Whole-home protection plans can also include electrical and plumbing maintenance and repair along with HVAC maintenance. This is truly a money-saving way to stay ahead of aging plumbing and electrical systems, for many protection plans include discounts for plumbing and electrical upgrades as well as a preset limit of coverage for repairs.
Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late
Without regular HVAC maintenance, plumbing maintenance, electrical maintenance, you may not know there’s a problem until your utility bills skyrocket, or you are greeted by a pool of water, an electrical short, or some other kind of damage.
Get Peace of Mind
You can find peace of mind by investing in a whole home protection plan with Aire One KW. With over 30 years of experience and 24/7 emergency service, we’re the HVAC, plumbing and electrical company that homeowners trust in Kitchener-Waterloo, Guelph, Cambridge, Stratford, Woodstock, Orangeville and surrounding areas. Contact us today to set up the plan that is right for you.